Como doar tempo de CPU com segurança usando o Windows Sandbox
Neste mundo, o poder da computação leva a milagres. O poder da computação pode desempenhar um papel importante na resolução de problemas que nos envolvem. Esta é uma das razões, toda a indústria de tecnologia (incluindo a Microsoft ) está investindo em computação quântica(Quantum) que ajudará a tornar um computador mais eficiente para resolver esses problemas. Folding Home é um projeto de computação distribuída que realiza simulações de dinâmica molecular da dinâmica de proteínas.
A Microsoft(Microsoft) postou um guia detalhado pelo qual qualquer pessoa pode doar os recursos de seu computador para o projeto. Falaremos sobre como doar tempo de CPU com segurança com (CPU)o Windows Sandbox(Windows Sandbox) neste guia.
Doe tempo de CPU com segurança usando o Windows Sandbox(Windows Sandbox)
Antes de começar, você precisa ter certeza de que o Windows Sandbox está habilitado em seu computador(Windows Sandbox is enabled on your computer) .
Agora, abra o Bloco(Notepad) de Notas e copie e cole o seguinte código nele:
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator #For a custom username, add -username <your username> to the command execution param([string]$username=‘wsandbox_anon‘) $ProgressPreference = ‘SilentlyContinue‘ #Progress bar makes things way slower # Ensure that virtualization is enabled in BIOS. Write-Output ‘Verifying that virtualization is enabled in BIOS…‘ if ((Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).HypervisorPresent -eq $false) { Write-Output ‘ERROR: Please Enable Virtualization capabilities in your BIOS settings…‘ exit } # Determine if Windows Sandbox is enabled. Write-Output ‘Checking to see if Windows Sandbox is installed…‘ If ((Get-WindowsOptionalFeature –FeatureName ‘Containers-DisposableClientVM‘ –Online).State -ne ‘Enabled‘) { Write-Output ‘Windows Sandbox is not installed, attempting to install it (may require reboot)…‘ if ((Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature –FeatureName ‘Containers-DisposableClientVM‘ –All –Online –NoRestart).RestartNeeded) { Write-Output ‘Please reboot to finish installing Windows Sandbox, then re-run this script…‘ exit } } else { Write-Output ‘Windows Sandbox already installed.‘ } # Download the latest version of FAH. Write-Output ‘Checking for latest version of foldingathome…‘ $installer_url = ‘‘ # Use regex to get the latest version from the FAH website. $version = ((Invoke-WebRequest –Uri $installer_url –UseBasicParsing).Links | Where-Object {$_.href -match ‘^v\d+([.]\d+)?‘} | ForEach-Object {[float]($_.href -replace ‘[^.\d]‘, ‘‘)} | Measure-Object –Max).Maximum $installer = “$($installer_url)v$($version)/latest.exe“ $installer_size =(Invoke-WebRequest $installer –Method Head –UseBasicParsing).Headers.‘Content-Length‘ Write-Output “Using FAH v$version.“ # Check if the installer is present, download otherwise. $working_dir = “$env:USERPROFILE\fah_conf“ $install_fname = ‘folding_installer.exe‘ If (!(test-path “$working_dir\$install_fname“) -or (Get-ChildItem “$working_dir\$install_fname“).Length -ne $installer_size ) { Remove-Item “$working_dir\$install_fname“ –Force –ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Output “Downloading latest folding executable: $working_dir\$install_fname“ Write-Output “Saving to $working_dir\$install_fname…“ New-Item –ItemType Directory –Force –Path $working_dir | Out-Null Invoke-WebRequest –Uri $installer –OutFile “$working_dir\$install_fname“ } # Create the FAH configuration file with the Windows Sandbox FAH team #251561. Write-Output ‘Creating init command…‘ $conf_file = ‘fah_sandbox_conf.xml‘ Write-Output “Saved [email protected] configuration file to $working_dir\$conf_file“ New-Item –Force –Path “$working_dir\$conf_file“ –ItemType File Set-Content –Path “$working_dir\$conf_file“ –Value @” <config> <user v=’$username‘/> <team v=’251561’/> <core-priority v=’low’/> <power v=’full’ /> <priority v=’realtime’/> <smp v=’true’/> <gpu v=’true’/> <open-web-control v=’true’/> </config> “@ <# Create the script that runs at logon. This script: 1. Starts the installer 2. Creates a volatile working directory 3. Copies the config into the working directory 4. Sets the firewall policies to let FAH run 5. Starts the FAH client #> Write-Output ‘Creating init command…‘ $logon_cmd = “$working_dir\init.cmd“ $wdg_install_dir = ‘C:\users\wdagutilityaccount\desktop\fah_conf‘ $wdg_working_dir = ‘C:\users\wdagutilityaccount\desktop\fah_working_dir‘ Write-Output “Saved logon script to $logon_cmd, this will be run upon starting Sandbox.“ New-Item –Force –Path $logon_cmd –ItemType File Set-Content –Path $logon_cmd –Value @” start $wdg_install_dir\$install_fname /S goto WAITLOOP :WAITLOOP if exist “C:\Program Files (x86)\FAHClient\FAHClient.exe” goto INSTALLCOMPLETE ping -n 6 > nul goto WAITLOOP :INSTALLCOMPLETE mkdir $wdg_working_dir cd $wdg_working_dir echo \”Copying config file to $wdg_working_dir\” copy $wdg_install_dir\$conf_file $wdg_working_dir netsh advfirewall firewall Add rule name=”FAHClient” program=”C:\Program Files (x86)\FAHClient\FAHClient.exe” action=allow dir=out netsh advfirewall firewall Add rule name=”FAHClient” program=”C:\Program Files (x86)\FAHClient\FAHClient.exe” action=allow dir=in start C:\”Program Files (x86)”\FAHClient\FAHClient.exe –config $wdg_working_dir\$conf_file “@ # Create the Sandbox configuration file with the new working dir & LogonCommand. $sandbox_conf = “$working_dir\fah_sandbox.wsb“ Write-Output “Creating sandbox configuration file to $sandbox_conf“ New-Item –Force –Path $sandbox_conf –ItemType File Set-Content –Path $sandbox_conf –Value @” <Configuration> <VGpu>Enable</VGpu> <MappedFolders> <MappedFolder> <HostFolder>$working_dir</HostFolder> <ReadOnly>true</ReadOnly> </MappedFolder> </MappedFolders> <LogonCommand> <Command>$wdg_install_dir\init.cmd</Command> </LogonCommand> </Configuration> “@ # For convenience, start the Sandbox. Write-Output ‘Starting sandbox…‘ Start-Process ‘C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsSandbox.exe‘ –ArgumentList $sandbox_conf
Como alternativa, você pode baixá-lo do repositório GitHub da Microsoft(Microsoft’s GitHub repository) .
Feito isso, basta executá-lo com o Windows PowerShell e ele iniciará um ambiente Windows Sandbox que doará os recursos do seu computador para o projeto de computação distribuída.
All the best!
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