Atalhos de teclado do Windows 11
Após meses de programa interno do (insider program)Windows 11 , agora está disponível para seus usuários. Layouts de snap(Snap) , widgets, menu Iniciar(Start menu) centralizado , aplicativos Android(Android apps) e muito mais estão ajudando você a ser mais produtivo e economizar tempo. Para ajudá-lo a trabalhar com mais rapidez e eficiência, esse sistema operacional(operating system) incluiu alguns novos atalhos de teclado junto com os atalhos tradicionais do Windows 10 . Existem combinações de atalhos para praticamente tudo, desde acessar uma configuração e executar comandos no prompt(command prompt) de comando até alternar entre layouts de snap e responder a uma caixa de diálogo(dialogue box) . No artigo, trouxemos para você um guia completo de todas asAtalhos(Keyboard Shortcuts) de teclado que você precisará no Windows 11 .
Atalhos de teclado e teclas de atalho do Windows 11(Windows 11 Keyboard Shortcuts & Hotkeys)
Os atalhos de teclado no Windows 11 podem ajudar você a economizar tempo e fazer as coisas mais rapidamente. Além disso(Furthermore) , realizar operações com um ou vários pressionamentos de tecla é mais conveniente do que clicar e rolar infinitamente.
Embora lembrar de tudo isso possa parecer intimidador, certifique-se de dominar apenas os atalhos de teclado do Windows 11 que você precisa com mais frequência.
1. Atalhos recém-introduzidos – Usando a tecla Windows
(1. Newly Introduced Shortcuts – Using Windows Key
Windows + W | Open up the Widgets pane. |
Windows + A | Toggle up the Quick Settings. |
Windows + N | Bring up the Notification Centre. |
Windows + Z | Open the Snap Layouts flyout. |
Windows + C | Open Teams Chat app from Taskbar. |
2. Atalhos de teclado – continuação do Windows 10
(2. Keyboard Shortcuts – Continued from Windows 10
Ctrl + A | Select all contents |
Ctrl + C | Copy the selected items |
Ctrl + X | Cut the selected items |
Ctrl + V | Paste the copied or cut items |
Ctrl + Z | Undo an action |
Ctrl + Y | Redo an action |
Alt + Tab | Switch between the running applications |
Windows + Tab | Open Task View |
Alt + F4 | Close the active app or If you are on Desktop, open the Shutdown box |
Windows + L | Lock your computer. |
Windows + D | Display and hide the desktop. |
Ctrl + Delete | Delete the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin. |
Shift + Delete | Delete the selected item permanently. |
PrtScn or Print | Capture a full screenshot and save it in the clipboard. |
Windows + Shift + S | Capture part of the screen with Snip & Sketch. |
Windows + X | Open Start button context menu. |
F2 | Rename selected item. |
F5 | Refresh the active window. |
F10 | Open Menu bar in the current app. |
Alt + Left arrow | Go back. |
Alt + Left arrow | Go forward. |
Alt + Page Up | Move up one screen |
Alt + Page Down | Move down one screen |
Ctrl + Shift + Esc | Open Task Manager. |
Windows + P | Project a screen. |
Ctrl + P | Print the current page. |
Shift + Arrow keys | Select more than one item. |
Ctrl + S | Save the current file. |
Ctrl + Shift + S | Save As |
Ctrl + O | Open a file in the current app. |
Alt + Esc | Cycle through the apps on the taskbar. |
Alt + F8 | Display your password on the login screen |
Alt + Spacebar | Open the shortcut menu for the current window |
Alt + Enter | Open properties for the selected item. |
Alt + F10 | Open the context menu (right-click menu) for the selected item. |
Windows + R | Open Run command. |
Ctrl + N | Open a new program window of the current app |
Windows + Shift + S | Take a screen clipping |
Windows + I | Open Windows 11 settings |
Backspace | Go back to the Settings home page |
Esc | Stop or close the current task |
F11 | Enter/Exit the full-screen mode |
Windows + period (.) or Windows + semicolon (;) | Launch Emoji keyboard |
Leia também: (Also Read:) Corrigir o (Fix keyboard) atraso de entrada(Input lag) do teclado no Windows 10
3. Atalhos de teclado da área de trabalho(3. Desktop Keyboard Shortcuts)
Window logo key (Win) | Open Start menu |
Ctrl + Shift | Switch keyboard layout |
Alt + Tab | View all open apps |
Ctrl + Arrow keys + Spacebar | Select more than one item on the desktop |
Windows + M | Minimize all open windows |
Windows + Shift + M | Maximize all minimized windows on the desktop. |
Windows + Home | Minimize or maximize all but the active window |
Windows + Left Arrow Key | Snap the current app or window to the Left |
Windows + Right Arrow Key | Snap the current app or window to the Right. |
Windows + Shift + Up arrow key | Stretch the active window to the top and bottom of the screen. |
Windows + Shift + Down arrow key | Restore or minimize active desktop windows vertically, maintaining width. |
Windows + Tab | Open Desktop view |
Windows + Ctrl + D | Add a new virtual desktop |
Windows + Ctrl + F4 | Close the active virtual desktop. |
Win key + Ctrl + Right arrow | Toggle or switch to the virtual desktops you have created on the Right |
Win key + Ctrl + Left arrow | Toggle or switch to the virtual desktops you have created on the Left |
CTRL + SHIFT while dragging icon or file | Create a shortcut |
Windows + S or Windows + Q | Open Windows Search |
Windows + Comma (,) | Take a peek look at the desktop until you release the WINDOWS key. |
Leia também:(Also Read:) C:windowssystem32configsystemprofileDesktop está indisponível: corrigido
4. Atalhos de teclado da barra de tarefas(4. Taskbar Keyboard Shortcuts)
Ctrl + Shift + Left Click app button or icon | Run an app as administrator from the taskbar |
Windows + 1 | Open the app in the first position on your taskbar. |
Windows + Number (0 – 9) | Open the app in the number position from the taskbar. |
Windows + T | Cycle through apps in the taskbar. |
Windows + Alt + D | View Date and Time from the taskbar |
Shift + Left Click app button | Open another instance of an app from the taskbar. |
Shift + Right-click grouped app icon | Show the window menu for the group apps from the taskbar. |
Windows + B | Highlight the first item in the Notification Area and use the Arrow key switch between the item |
Alt + Windows key + number keys | Open the application menu on the taskbar |
Leia também:(Also Read: ) Corrigir a cintilação da barra de tarefas do Windows 10
5. Atalho de teclado do Explorador de Arquivos(5. File Explorer Keyboard Shortcut)
Windows + E | Open the File Explorer. |
Ctrl + E | Open the search box in the file explorer. |
Ctrl + N | Open the current window in a new window. |
Ctrl + W | Close active window. |
Ctrl + M | Start the mark mode |
Ctrl + Mouse Scroll | Change the file and folder view. |
F6 | Switch between left and right panes |
Ctrl + Shift + N | Create a new folder. |
Ctrl + Shift + E | Expand all subfolders in the navigation pane on the left. |
Alt + D | Select the address bar of the File Explorer. |
Ctrl + Shift + Number (1-8) | Changes folder view. |
Alt + P | Display the preview panel. |
Alt + Enter | Open the Properties settings for the selected item. |
Num Lock + plus (+) | Expand the selected drive or folder |
Num Lock + minus (-) | Collapse the selected drive or folder. |
Num Lock + asterisk (*) | Expand all the subfolders under the selected drive or folder. |
Alt + Right arrow | Go to the next folder. |
Alt + Left arrow (or Backspace) | Go to the previous folder |
Alt + Up arrow | Go to the parent folder the folder was in. |
F4 | Switch focus to address bar. |
F5 | Refresh the File Explorer |
Right Arrow key | Expand the current folder tree or select the first subfolder (if it is expanded) in the left pane. |
Left Arrow Key | Collapse the current folder tree or select the parent folder (if it is collapsed) in the left pane. |
Home | Move to the top of the active window. |
End | Move to the bottom of the active window. |
Leia também:(Also Read:) Como ocultar arquivos e pastas recentes(Recent Files and Folders) no Windows 11
6. Atalhos de teclado no prompt de comando(6. Keyboard Shortcuts in Command Prompt)
Ctrl + Home | Scroll to the top of the Command Prompt (cmd). |
Ctrl + End | Scroll to the bottom of the cmd. |
Ctrl + A | Select everything on the current line |
Page Up | Move the cursor up a page |
Page Down | Move the cursor down a page |
Ctrl + M | Enter Mark mode. |
Ctrl + Home (in Mark mode) | Move the cursor to the beginning of the buffer. |
Ctrl + End (in Mark mode) | Move the cursor to the end of the buffer. |
Up or Down arrow keys | Cycle through command history of active session |
Left or Right arrow keys | Move cursor left or right in the current command line. |
Shift + Home | Move your cursor to the start of the current line |
Shift + End | Move your cursor to the end of the current line |
Shift + Page Up | Move the cursor up one screen and select text. |
Shift + Page Down | Move cursor down one screen and select text. |
Ctrl + Up arrow | Move the screen up one line in the output history. |
Ctrl + Down arrow | Move the screen down one line in the output history. |
Shift + Up | Move the cursor up one line and select the text. |
Shift + Down | Move the cursor down one line and select the text. |
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys | Move the cursor one word at a time. |
Ctrl + F | Open search for Command Prompt. |
7. Atalhos de teclado da caixa de diálogo(7. Dialog Box Keyboard Shortcuts)
Ctrl + Tab | Move forward through tabs. |
Ctrl + Shift + Tab | Move back through tabs. |
Ctrl + N (number 1–9) | Switch to nth tab. |
F4 | Show the items in the active list. |
Tab | Move forward through options of the dialog box |
Shift + Tab | Move back through options of the dialog box |
Alt + underlined letter | Execute the command (or select the option) that is used with the underlined letter. |
Spacebar | Check or uncheck the check box if the active option is a check box. |
Arrow keys | Select or move to a button in a group of active buttons. |
Backspace | Open the parent folder if a folder is selected in the Open or Save As dialog box. |
Leia também(Also Read) : Como desativar a voz do narrador(Narrator Voice) no Windows 10
8. Atalhos de teclado para acessibilidade(8. Keyboard Shortcuts for Accessibility)
Windows + U | Open Ease of Access Centre |
Windows + plus (+) | Turn on Magnifier and Zoom in |
Windows + minus (-) | Zoom out using Magnifier |
Windows + Esc | Exit Magnifier |
Ctrl + Alt + D | Switch to docked mode in Magnifier |
Ctrl + Alt + F | Switch to full-screen mode in Magnifier |
Ctrl + Alt + L | Switch to lens mode in Magnifier |
Ctrl + Alt + I | Invert colors in Magnifier |
Ctrl + Alt + M | Cycle through views in Magnifier |
Ctrl + Alt + R | Resize the lens with the mouse in Magnifier. |
Ctrl + Alt + arrow keys | Pan in the direction of the arrow keys in the Magnifier. |
Ctrl + Alt + mouse scroll | Zoom in or out using mouse |
Windows + Enter | Open Narrator |
Windows + Ctrl + O | Open on-screen keyboard |
Press Right Shift for eight seconds | Turn Filter Keys on and off |
Left Alt + left Shift + PrtSc | Turn High Contrast on or off |
Left Alt + left Shift + Num Lock | Turn Mouse Keys on or off |
Press Shift five times | Turn Sticky Keys on or off |
Press Num Lock for five seconds | Turn Toggle Keys on or off |
Windows + A | Open Action Center |
Leia também: (Also Read:) Desligar ou bloquear o Windows usando atalhos de teclado(Shut Down or Lock Windows Using Keyboard Shortcuts)
9. Outras teclas de atalho comumente usadas
(9. Other Commonly Used Hotkeys
Windows + G | Open Game bar |
Windows + Alt + G | Record the last 30 seconds of the active game |
Windows + Alt + R | Start or stop recording the active game |
Windows + Alt + PrtSc | Take a screenshot of the active game |
Windows + Alt + T | Show/hide recording timer of the game |
Windows + forward-slash (/) | Start IME reconversion |
Windows + F | Open Feedback Hub |
Windows + H | Launch Voice Typing |
Windows + K | Open the Connect quick setting |
Windows + O | Lock your device orientation |
Windows + Pause | Display the System Properties Page |
Windows + Ctrl + F | Search for PCs (if you are on a network) |
Windows + Shift + Left or Right arrow key | Move an app or window from one monitor to another |
Windows + Spacebar | Switch input language and keyboard layout |
Windows + V | Open Clipboard History |
Windows + Y | Switch input between Windows Mixed Reality and your desktop. |
Windows + C | Launch Cortana app |
Windows + Shift + Number key (0-9) | Open another instance of the app pinned to the taskbar in the number position. |
Windows + Ctrl + Number key (0-9) | Switch to the last active window of the app pinned to the taskbar in the number position. |
Windows + Alt + Number key (0-9) | Open Jump List of the app pinned to the taskbar in the number position. |
Windows + Ctrl + Shift + Number key (0-9) | Open another instance as an administrator of the app pinned to the taskbar in the number position. |
- Como desativar o Microsoft Edge(Microsoft Edge) no Windows 11
- Como ativar o modo Deus(God Mode) no Windows 11
- Como gravar sua tela(Screen) no Windows 11
- Como alterar o papel de parede(Wallpaper) no Windows 11
Esperamos que você tenha achado este artigo interessante e útil(article interesting and helpful) sobre os atalhos de teclado do Windows 11( Windows 11 Keyboard Shortcuts) . Você pode enviar suas sugestões e dúvidas na seção de comentários(comment section) abaixo. Confira nosso site para mais dicas e truques legais!
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